Sunday, July 17, 2011


Who is the Illest Gypsy in town? Well... I am.
Illest because of my good natured heart, maybe but these days it literally is the illest.
I have been under the covers for some time now and plans have changed themselves accordingly.
I am no longer travelling to Greece to join Sophie and been mainly staying indoors thinking about life philosophically and writing new songs (the positive outcome) but mainly bored out of my head watching lots of tv and eating Haribo's all day long (the negative outcome).

Nonetheless thought I would feedback my ill self to you. Pre bday blues are also near ... Damn.

Grim rainy London Town mid July, come on... really?

Haribo's under the pillows = illest gypsy diet

Trying to stay healthy and compensate for the sugar intake before

Watching sappy old school films clearly help too ... not!

And Sophie enjoying Malia meanwhile .... am so jealous! Should be there too!

Wave the gypsy flag for me, Sophie!

No blues in Malia clearly.


  1. Wat vitsa are u girls? Email me

  2. you aint no gypsy your a white girl your probly one of them irish travlers that dont even speak the laungiage why do white ppl wanna be gypsy so bad i hat when i see whote ppl always trying to be something els first they wanna be black now there tyring to be gypsy why cant they just accept the fact that there white my god

  3. vitsa means type of gypsy but only real gypsys understand the language so if you guys dont understan the words and thats the most used and popular gypsy words in our language yous aint gypsy so stop faking us gypsy ppl are a minority there is no such thing as a caucajion gypsy we are dark and lyte skinn but not white were jist like every other race dark skinn and lyte skinn but we are not white trash

  4. you aint no gypsy your a white girl your probly one of them irish travlers that dont even speak the laungiage why do white ppl wanna be gypsy so bad i hat when i see whote ppl always trying to be something els first they wanna be black now there tyring to be gypsy why cant they just accept the fact that there white my god

  5. Hi Marco

    In response to your comment of 'you ain't no gypsy' we would like to respond to say we are not Irish. We are both Russian and Gypsy background. One of us grew up in Moscow & London, other in Moscow and now both travelling all over the world feeding 'our gypsy souls'. Please refer back to what this blog is called. If you don't like the blog, don't read it.

    Our Gypsy Souls
    - They like the way we think -
